I just realized the sad fact that it has been since August that I wrote my last blog. Shame on me! I have decided to fill you (the reader) in on what I have been doing in my classroom.
First, I must say that while I loved being a regular classroom 6th grade teacher and never thought I would be able to top this position, I believe that I actually have found a position I enjoy even more. This is my first year as the Math Enrichment teacher at my school and I absolutely love it! I am basically a math coach and I work with both 6th and 7th grade students who have some trouble with various math concepts. My job is to pinpoint where the students are struggling with concepts that parallel what is being taught in their regular education math class. It is like a puzzle because different kids are at different places and require specialized help. They have diverse learning styles and I have the privilege of working with most of the school population to help them become stronger in math. Taking time to reflect upon this experience now that I am three-fourths of the way through this year, I really have found it rewarding to have the opportunity to look work closely with the students to determine exactly where they got off track with the concept that are being studied and then build them back up from that misconception to see them grow and become more confident in their ability to understand math.
This is also a position that requires me to be a floating teacher. I actually like being on the cart (crazy right?) because it helps me to be a stronger teacher. I will be posting some tricks of the trade that I have learned wheeling my cart around the school. If you are also a floating teacher, I hope you will check back in to read about my positive experiences as a floating teacher.